Mar 21, 2022
Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses.
Thank you for being here, for listening and sharing this podcast with others! And today starts YEAR SEVEN! YES! I can’t even believe it! Seven years of this weekly podcast.
THANK YOU for motivating me to keep going! I’d love to hear – as always – where you’re listening from but how long!
Last Monday’s podcast was about checking your progress and see what shit you are ALLOWING to knock you off-track and learning how to ACCEPT the compliments, the help you need, the baby steps and all the things that will get you to where you want to go.
What did you determine? How are you digging deeper to end the first quarter as strong as possible?
As I travel back to California from another successful trip to Indiana, I reflect on the meetings, the discussions, the progress checks and the plans to achieve more! I made a few adjustments of my own as well.
With ending year six and looking at the next seven years, I have to determine what I want to happen with the podcast as well as my business and life.
Listen in today and then decide what you will do for you next. It could be amazing!!!
As business owners, we all have so many decisions to make, strategies to think about, questions to ask, and things to learn. That’s why like in last Monday’s podcast, when I shared about my attempt at writing the podcast and what I was allowing to distract me, I was sharing my experience, hopefully giving you an idea of what happens to many of us as we attempt to focus.
Realizing it happens, but to not dwell on it. Catch yourself and get back to it. We have two more weeks in this first quarter. Lots of time to get things goingI’m celebrating six years of having people from all over the world listening to me weekly! From a few hundred downloads to THOUSANDS! From just Indiana to all over the United States and now in 89 countries! And, as I mentioned, it’s time to decide if and what I need to do with the podcast.
What are YOU celebrating right now? Personally and/or professionally, what’s something that is starting another “trip around the sun”? What will you to continue to keep it fresh and make people continue to want it? OR do you keep it the same? Such a dilemma.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? Or… do we keep improving it to keep it fresh?
Technology is always improving. Doesn’t everything need improving?
What are your thoughts? When’s the last time you gave your world an upgrade?