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Welcome to my weekly Monday Motivation podcasts - NO MORE EXCUSES!! Each week I will have a new topic to discuss. I call it "Monday Motivation with an edge!" 

Listen in and learn ways to STOP with the excuses and live life to its fullest! If you're ready to GET OFF YOUR ASS and do something your future self with thank you for... then these podcasts are FOR YOU!

I also ask for, and appreciate, feedback and input! So, listen carefully for the question of the week and yes, special offers to help you Achieve Your Success!


May 15, 2017

Happy Monday Motivation! 

Welcome back to #NoMoreExcuses podcast! Thank you THANK YOU for sharing this podcast! In just the 15 days of this month, the downloads have doubled!!!! 

I started the podcasts with really no expectations, no LIMITS! I was excited when I hit 25 clicks (people listening) and maybe 5 downloads! I then learned how to expand into iTunes, Google Play, etc and also, I learned how to ask for HELP in spreading the word! And now, I have 456 downloads in 15 days and just 2 months ago it was only 200! I wasn't afraid to ask for people to share. I could have been - I could have thought to myself' "What if they don't or don't want to?" "What if they don't like my podcast"? "What if it's not good enough for people to listen?"

But instead I just put it out there, I keep asking and I kept going! And that's what this week's podcast is about... Limiting Beliefs! They are NASTY! Yes, FOCUS is the root of all evil, but WOW, have you ever sat and listened to the bullshit stories floating around in your head? The negative "self-talk"? The "What ifs"? Whether it's "What if no one likes what I have to say?" or "I don't deserve that?". It's awful and we all have them. 

I honestly just realized with my podcasts, this was one of the most recent things I have done that I can honestly say I did NOT have any limiting beliefs! I didn't put any "expectations" on myself and in-turn that didn't allow any Limiting Beliefs to sneak in and crush my spirt!

Listen in this week, and then post, email me, tell me what are your TOP 3 Limiting Beliefs? What are those crappy little things you tell yourself that you now believe and are keeping you from Success, or perhaps even TRYING?

And if you need help figuring them out, or working through them, let's set up a Strategy Session and "crush those little bastards!"

Have a great week!
