Aug 19, 2019
Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses! Thank you for listening and sharing this podcast with others! I also look forward to you connecting with me on social media. Just make sure you send me a message so I know you are a listener!
As you may know, I help people find their BADASSNESS! Didn't know that? Well, now you do! Where is yours? Do you even know?
Perhaps it's popped it's head out here and there. Maybe your Badassness has shined briefly during a talk or presentation you were nervous about giving. Maybe you're new to your job or role at the company and you had to lead a meeting. There are lots of ways that it can peek out! But did you really recognize it and embrace it?
Think about when a gymnast sticks a landing. You can see it on their face! The BADASSNESS was shining bright!
In last week's podcast I talked about changing your mindset when you're in a tailspin of negativity. I also shared in my weekly social media posts the activities I came across that helped me snap out of mine! I wrote down 10 things I am positive about, and it changed my mindset!
What about you? Did you try it? If not... tailspin or not, do it and see how it makes you feel! Once you've pulled it together, it allows your badassness to show itself! Even if for a brief moment.
Listen in this week as I tie in the last couple podcasts conversation about complacency and mindset and how that shift allows your badassness to shine, and THAT is the edge you need to keep from becoming complacent.
As always, there's a quick activity I want you to do, but you have to listen in and the post in the comments section! I can't wait to hear from you... as I really do want to help YOU realize and find your BADASSNESS!