Mar 6, 2022
Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses.
Thank you for being here, for listening and sharing this podcast with others!
Last Monday’s podcast was about Mindset. Mindset. MINDSET!
Having a positive mindset means keeping your head on straight when shit goes sideways, or you get behind like I have recently.
How about YOU?
Do you keep a positive mindset when you get off-track?
Do you shut down that negative chatter in your head when you make a mistake?
Do you keep yourself from spiraling and getting overwhelmed when shit goes sideways?
Well, if you don’t, you should probably contact me!
2022 has been another weird year. Some people and clients I know have had a GREAT start to the year, while others have not. And as we start reaching for Spring, it’s also the last month of the first quarter of the year.
As many people do, and I always suggest, start really digging into your goals and watching your progress, no matter how small it may seem… to YOU.
Listen in this week as I talk about the "ONLY" syndrome! Yes, we've all said it, "I ONLY did, lost or got [fill in the blank]!"
Learning to accept those baby steps – with pride – can be hard, but I promise you it will be rewarding!
And that’s in LIFE and with BUSINESSES as well!
Keep chugging away. Keep chipping away at the to-do list, the idea list, the debt, the seemingly endless hours. Keep the faith when it’s hard too. Keep climbing! Keep asking. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!
I’ve had my shares of worry, stress, meltdowns as well. When it happens to you, shift your mindset. Think about a time when you made that shift from the negative “WHY am I doing this, why keep going, how the hell is this going to work?” to the “I got this", and "this is WHY I am doing this!" "This is why I get up every day and try again!”
We’re human! It’s hard to be positive every damn day. It's hard to take compliments and comments that are meant to pull you out of that rabbit hole of a shitty mindset. It’s hard NOT to wonder when you’ll turn that corner or reach the top of “your” Mount Everest!
And, it doesn’t matter if you’re male or female!
Listen in as I discuss more about how to KEEP FIGHTING when you're tired, stressed and overwhelmed. And then remember...
“The people who think they are crazy enough to change the world, are the ones who do.” ~Steve Jobs
That is where the confidence has to win. Yes, there will be shit days. Days you want to throw in the towel, and wondering WHY vs. the WHY that Simon Sinek suggests you start with.
When I make that shift, and that feeling and confidence comes over me, I know that I am crazy enough to change the world (no matter how tiny of a piece I think it is)…. Are you?