Apr 25, 2022
Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses.
Last Monday’s podcast was about DISCIPLINE! And how discipline is what will help you see progress and will help you create the HABITS that will help you achieve your success!
What can and WILL you do to get, and more importantly, stay disciplined? Where in your life do you feel disciplined or Undisciplined?
Thank you to everyone who commented and emailed me to share where they feel the most discipline!
What about you?
Where are you doing great and where do you need help?
It’s ok to ask for help. It’s ok if you aren’t 100% – aka “perfect” – in one area of discipline.
Being disciplined helps you recognize when something is off, didn’t happen or are behind.
As we look at the last week of April, what have you accomplished? What are your routines?
The weather helped me write today's podcast! With the sun popping in out of the clouds, reminded me of the last couple weeks of coaching sessions. I have clients that shine brightly and others that hide in their comfort zone. And others that do both! They may step out and do something amazing, and then freak out and hide… yes sometimes even from me!
In today's podcast, I share about a client who has been doing just that... since DECEMBER! Excited and then hides. Pops out and then gives me bullshit excuses.
Like today's image quote says:
“When you want to succeed as much as you want to breath, you’ll be successful!”
Are you going to shine brightly, or will you continue to hide? Only YOU can decide.
If you’re struggling FIND help! If you’re succeeding, help someone else!
As you listen in today and then look at your own habits, discipline, routines, successes, and failures… where are you and what can YOU do? What MORE can you do? What can you do to help others?
If you need help getting rid of the shit in your life that’s holding you back, or creating MORE in your world, email me now or schedule a session!!
Cheers! Sandi