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Welcome to my weekly Monday Motivation podcasts - NO MORE EXCUSES!! Each week I will have a new topic to discuss. I call it "Monday Motivation with an edge!" 

Listen in and learn ways to STOP with the excuses and live life to its fullest! If you're ready to GET OFF YOUR ASS and do something your future self with thank you for... then these podcasts are FOR YOU!

I also ask for, and appreciate, feedback and input! So, listen carefully for the question of the week and yes, special offers to help you Achieve Your Success!


May 11, 2022


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses.

Thank you for being here, for listening and sharing this podcast with others! Don’t forget to follow me on Insta and Growing Forward Facebook. And, if you're a new listener, message me who and where are you?

Last Monday’s podcast was about realizing we ALL suck at something… at least at the beginning! And, well, maybe forever. But whatever it is, may be something we “have” to do as part of our job, business, life.

The question is, “Why do YOU think you suck at it?” And why worry about it? We work through it, improve if we can and carry on! We aren’t all meant to be great at everything! Just the fact that you tried, perhaps tried something new, or did something that you previously felt you sucked at is BADASS! It proves you’re not afraid to take that step!

As you’ve heard me talk about MANY times, we get in our own way! Our minds… our mindset is what can keep us hiding vs. shining!

The last few years at this time, I've noticed a pattern, as I've had a mental health expert talk about mindset and purging those negative thoughts, and even “Getting out of your mind and into your life!”

May is such a powerful month to make shit happen!

No matter if it’s in your personal or professional life, looking at what really needs your attention is so important to your success.

Listen in today as I share how I took time last week to look at my business from the outside-in. And made some changes both personally and professionally!

Things change and progress with time and you have to overcome and adapt. 

What about you? Personally, or professionally – or both – what needs purged or upgraded?

Take a look at your processes, procedures, software, equipment… and yes MINDSET! What about your schedule, meals that you cook? Health & Wellness? 

We are mid-way through the 2nd quarter, so my suggestion would be to really take a look from the outside-IN! Act like you are a client, patient, customer, or listener of your own business and see where you need to purge or upgrade!

This week my challenge to you is to block off some time to take a deep dive into what’s REALLY going on, and, like I said…

...Take a look from the outside-in.

And, if you need help purging, cleaning up, and prepping for what’s next, click here to schedule a session!! 

