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Welcome to my weekly Monday Motivation podcasts - NO MORE EXCUSES!! Each week I will have a new topic to discuss. I call it "Monday Motivation with an edge!" 

Listen in and learn ways to STOP with the excuses and live life to its fullest! If you're ready to GET OFF YOUR ASS and do something your future self with thank you for... then these podcasts are FOR YOU!

I also ask for, and appreciate, feedback and input! So, listen carefully for the question of the week and yes, special offers to help you Achieve Your Success!


Sep 26, 2022


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses!

Listen in today as record today's podcast after my run on the beach! [You can also watch the video on my YouTube Channel!]

I talk over the chaos that was happening behind me as I reflect on the chaos of traveling for two weeks! I talk about how great things can come from the chaos and most importantly... who is walking alongside you to help you, and vice versa!

Travel, business, life can all be chaotic at times. Making sure you know who is there with you and that there is clear communication and expectations is HUGE to your success. 

And vice versa!

Who are you walking next to? How are you helping them? 

While I was talking with one organization, I asked them about their growth and well, there lack-of and why? What can they do to make sure they have the right people in place and making sure that if people aren't active any longer, that it is OK! Sometimes people, events, organizations no longer serve you or those involved. 

Today and this week, take a look around and see who's walking next to you and, how is it going? How are they helping you? How are YOU helping them?

Listen inor watch – and share who is next to you!

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