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Welcome to my weekly Monday Motivation podcasts - NO MORE EXCUSES!! Each week I will have a new topic to discuss. I call it "Monday Motivation with an edge!" 

Listen in and learn ways to STOP with the excuses and live life to its fullest! If you're ready to GET OFF YOUR ASS and do something your future self with thank you for... then these podcasts are FOR YOU!

I also ask for, and appreciate, feedback and input! So, listen carefully for the question of the week and yes, special offers to help you Achieve Your Success!


Aug 21, 2017

Happy Monday (solar eclipse) Motivation! Welcome back, or welcome, to the weekly podcast NO More Excuses! 

Have you had enough? But have you given it your all? Have you really tried everything, or is just hard and you don't have the confidence to continue?

This week's podcast references a client who walked away from something she poured her heart and soul into. AND lots of money! She realized "her horse was DEAD!" And trust me, she kicked it, left water and food, and drug it behind her for MILES before she walked away. 

It's painful, but sometimes it IS necessary. And no, this is NOT permission to "give up", "walk away", to call, email, text me and say "Sorry Sandi, life was hard, so I gave up!" No! There's a process to go through before you walk away. And you have to make sure your horse truly is dead before you do.

So what came next for her? WOW! By her "giving up shit", she re-evaluated her priorities, became ultra focused, gave her family the time she had always wanted, and now is using her talents and has partnered with her husband to take his business to the next level! Now what's next her putting HER first! (And that's on her 30-day challenge list!)

Listen in, and then email me or post here

  • what is something you did walk away from (what is your DEAD HORSE?)  
    • Why did you walk away? And...
    • What's happened since?

Thank you for listening and for SHARING this podcast! 

Have a great week! And DON'T LOOK AT THE SUN!
