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Welcome to my weekly Monday Motivation podcasts - NO MORE EXCUSES!! Each week I will have a new topic to discuss. I call it "Monday Motivation with an edge!" 

Listen in and learn ways to STOP with the excuses and live life to its fullest! If you're ready to GET OFF YOUR ASS and do something your future self with thank you for... then these podcasts are FOR YOU!

I also ask for, and appreciate, feedback and input! So, listen carefully for the question of the week and yes, special offers to help you Achieve Your Success!


Feb 18, 2019


Welcome back to the weekly podcast No More Excuses!

Thanks for sharing this podcast, connecting with me on social media and answering my weekly challenges and questions!

Last week's podcast was about REWARDING your "good behavior"! Ok, ok! It was about using rewards as an incentive to keep your FOCUS! Rewards like I give myself: playing Words With Friends® after I get the first three tasks done on my daily to-do list. What about a new pair of jeans after you hit your first weight loss goal. Or, a nap after you make those calls you've been avoiding! Whatever and however you reward yourself, it's important to do not just because you've earned it, you DESERVE it!

As I was about to travel to Los Angeles to see my daughter, I realized this was the first trip that wasn't around work first! Listen in this week as I talk about how I realized that I deny myself of rewards sometimes. This one is a lot bigger than playing Words with Friends, but it's something I don't do. I realized I re-FOCUSED and kicked ASS and finished 2018 strong, so I DESERVE this trip!

Do you deny yourself of rewards? Big or small, many of us do! We tend to reward ourselves with MORE WORK! We think to have to continue to work vs. giving ourselves a break. 

So whether it's a massage, a weekend trip, or a fun night out, we have to stop denying ourselves for our hard work! Listen in this week and then I look forward to hearing from you!

Email me and let me know what you realize you have denied yourself of!

Have a great week!
